Anderson School Presents Peter Pan

Anderson School and its Tony-nominated theatre program present the live-action, high-flying, adventurous tale of Peter Pan. In its 30th year, the Little Red Schoolhouse production of Peter Pan is led by Stephani Lourie, and her incredibly talented staff of vocal coaches, choral magicians, skilled thespians, alumni choreographers; and a production crew of dreamers, designers, thinkers, and doers.

Saturday, April 12
Door open at 6:30PM  |  Show starts at 7:00PM
Crawford Theater
$10-12 General Admission

Tickets On Sale March 8th

Come and be whisked away with us into the world of magical Neverland, where Wendy and her siblings meet a boy who refuses to grow up, a flying fairy and her forest protectors, an evil pirate captain and his sidekick, and a playful hip hop band of forest orphans who wheel around on trikes, scooters, and 4-wheelers. With some creative embellishment to appeal to a wider audience, this classic story will be enjoyed by the whole family.

This year’s production also includes two extraordinary collaborations: one with Bozeman’s own 406 Cirque, who helps bring artistry and choreography to the way our actors move, dance, and tumble on stage; and another with ZFX, a professional flying effects company based in Kentucky who will have you holding your breath as the fairies soar through the sky.